Friday, August 23, 2019

Biodiversity Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Biodiversity - Research Paper Example The disturbance in the balance is due to the disturbance in the food chain. Like in a forest ecosystem, none of the animal is valueless; lamas, zebras, buffaloes and deer are eaten by tigers, lions, leopards and jaguars. If the ecosystem faces the extinction of the lions, tigers, jaguars or leopards, the number of lamas, zebras, buffaloes and deer increase rapidly and thus there would be low food resources for them and animal will die from diseases, which will make the ecosystem unhealthy. Natural Alteration in the Ecosystem Natural occurrences like earthquakes, droughts, etc have heavy impact on the ecosystems. Natural occurrences can produce alterations to the ecosystem. Like the droughts become a reason for the shortage of food (Shah, 2011). The shortage of food may bring some of the creatures to extinct. However, some of the alterations are good for the environment and some of the alterations are worst in terms of extinctions of some of the creatures. Importance of Biodiversity B iodiversity is often considered to have no linkage with the economic sustainability. However, environmental sustainability is often thought to have a connection with the biodiversity. In fact, biodiversity is connected to economic as well as environmental sustainability (Shah, 2012). It can provide food, water and a healthy atmosphere. A decline in the biodiversity of the planet would bring many problems. Biodiversity, Food Resources and Economics Most of the food resources come from the biological resources. If the biological resources regarding the food become less, then there would be a lot of hunger and disease. In this way, it is almost impossible without the utilization of food resources. The economics of a country are largely linked the production and utilization of the food resources. The more the food resources a country has, the more food there will be to export and earn money, to boost the economy. Results show that forty percent of the world’s economy is dependent on the biological resources. However, paper, textile and timber industry will also remain incomplete without preserving biodiversity. In this way, industrial economy depends much on biodiversity, while tourism increase due to forests and preserved marine life. Biodiversity and Medicine Biodiversity has much importance in terms of medicines, as most of the medicines come from the plant and animal sources. The medicines like coniine, etc, which is utilized in the malarial disease come from the plant. The research and development in the field of medicine is totally incomplete without biological resources. In this way biological resources have much importance in the field of medicines. Biodiversity and Climate Change Climate change is one of the biggest threats to the biodiversity of the planet. Some creatures like coral are much sensitive to the small change in the temperature and a little increase in the temperature could become a cause of the death of coral reefs. Coral are importan t in providing many fish and some other marine creatures a shelter and thus extinction of the coral means the extinction of many other species too (Harris, 2012). However, the protection of the biodiversity can only be a factor in controlling the climate change, as the major

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